Collection: Steele Canvas
Steele Canvas is the quintessential American company. Recently, I had the extraordinary experience of visiting their 25,000 square foot factory in Chelsea, Massachusetts. I know my way around a factory after decades in the fashion industry, but this one is truly impressive. Steel Canvas counts Shinola, Best Made, Kule and …USPS (yes, the US Postal Service) among its clients. Having seen the Steel Canvas crew in action, I understand why their disparate clients are so devoted: each piece of every basket, bin and tote they make is produced by the hand of a skilled worker, many of whom have been with the company for decades. The high point of my visit was getting to see the first sample of Milton Market’s most recent collaboration, which I'm thrilled to introduce here: our custom Garden Tote. The perfect union of functional and timeless utility and Steele Canvas's extraordinary quality, I couldn’t be more proud to add this quintessential American product to our lineup.